Community & Culture | feb. 13, 2025
A Mob of Mentors!

Mob of Mentors, a Pecha Kucha showcase brought mentors from around the world to share presentations, thoughts, and musings that roused an eager audience on National Tequila Day as part of our efforts at Tales of the Cocktail.
We thank our esteemed line-up for their honesty, passion, and vulnerability as they peeled away at the times, decisions, and crossroads where they once stood that made them the leaders and mentors they are today.
Lauren Mote: @laurenmote
Ago Perrone: @agodragos
Giorgio Bargiani: @giorgio_bar_giani
Giulia Cuccurullo: @giuggifoca
Josh Harris: @josh_the_bon_vivants
Joshua Monaghan: @_joshua_monaghan_
Julia Momose: @momose_julia
Julie Reiner: @mixtressnyc
Kapri Robinson: @kapri.possible
Kate Boushel: @kateboushel
Laura Torres: @laurartorres
LP O’Brien: @lpdrinksdc
And cocktails by PATRÓN Perfectionists Global Winners 2023 + 2024 @morko.koral and @nayprice_
Please enjoy the presentations below!